Bienvenidos al blog de 6º A.

Bienvenidos al nuevo curso escolar que estrenaremos el próximo
lunes 10 de septiembre del 2012. Continuaremos con nuestro blog
donde expondremos algunos de los trabajos, actividades y fotos
que se realizaron el curso académico anterior y aquellos que se
realizarán el venidero.

Espero que derrochéis toda vuestra ilimitada imaginación en la creación
de todas las tareas que vayamos realizando, como siempre acostumbráis
a hacer, y que os involucréis en la participación del mismo aportando
ideas imaginativas.

Monday 18 February 2013

28th February, Day of Andalusia

The Día de Andalucía (Day of Andalusia) is celebrated on 28th February. It commemorates
the 1980 referendum on the Statute of  Autonomy  of  Andalusia  The Andalusian electorate
voted for this statute that made Andalusia an autonomous community of Spain.
You will taste the Andalusian breakfast next  Friday  22nd  at  Atenea Primary. As you can
remenber it consits of a bread  bun  (pitufo)  filled  with  Spanish  olive  oil, our  Andalusian
cuisine jewel, and a glass of milk with Cola-cao.
The following assignment is proposed by next Friday 22nd:
1. Focus on a  remarkable  landmark (a historic building, statue, a popular street,  the docks
at  Malaga  port, a Natural  park...) in  Andalusia.
2. Look it up some information related to your Andalusian topic.
3. Make an attempt to answer the wh- questions, that is, where it (place or statue) is located,
 when it was built, who was in charge of the project, how it was built or originated, why it was
built ...
4. Make a leaflet including all these pieces  of  information.  Add  amazing  pictures  of  your
chosen topic.
5.Prepare a powerpoint  presentation on it  adding a  reasonably  commentary by which you
would recommend it to a foreigner in Andalusia.

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