Bienvenidos al blog de 6º A.

Bienvenidos al nuevo curso escolar que estrenaremos el próximo
lunes 10 de septiembre del 2012. Continuaremos con nuestro blog
donde expondremos algunos de los trabajos, actividades y fotos
que se realizaron el curso académico anterior y aquellos que se
realizarán el venidero.

Espero que derrochéis toda vuestra ilimitada imaginación en la creación
de todas las tareas que vayamos realizando, como siempre acostumbráis
a hacer, y que os involucréis en la participación del mismo aportando
ideas imaginativas.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Reading on Twins.

You know that when two children are born at the same time to the same
mother they are called twins. Most twins develop when two different ova
are fertilised by two different sperm.
These are called fraternal twins and they don´t look exactly like each
other. One twin can be thinner or taller or have a different colour hair
to the other twin.
However, some twins look exactly the same. These are called identical
twins. Identical twins develop when one zygote separates into two.
These two zygotes have the same genetic information so they develop
into identical embryos, and later into very similar children.

.Open a fact file and give a definition for twins using your laptop.

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